October 19-21, 2012 the Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting (RMRM12) took place in Broomfield, Colorado. Current Crans group members (Fabio Fontes and Alejandro M. Trujillo) and previous Crans group members (Prof. Bharat Baruah, Kennesaw University) presented at the symposium “Reactions in Lipid and Lipid-Like Environments and Applications of the Chemistry”. Other presenters at this symposium included Vince Rotello (University of Massachusets, Amherst), George Negrete (University of Texas, San Antonio), Sandra Bonetti (Colorado State University-Pueblo), Michael Johnson (New Mexico State University), Audra Sostarecz (Monmouth College; because she was unable to attend her presentation was given by her students Jacob R. Hutton and Brett W. Dunn), Mitchio Kurosu (University of tennesee, Health Center), Deborah Roess (Colorado State University), Lieve Laurens (NREL, Golden, Colorado) and Mukund Chorghade (AgroGreen Biofuels (AGN)). Some presenters and attendees are seen at the end of the symposium in the photo.

In addition, former chemistry teacher and current coach of Poudre High School Science Olympiad Team Jack Lundt received one of the three premier awards presented at the Award banquet at RMRM12. He was nominated by Debbie Crans and Chris Hayes and is seen after receiving the award with Debbie Crans and Connie Gabel (chair of RMRM12). The award was the first of its kind celebrating the long term accomplishments in education of a retired high school teacher and was presented as one of the by the Colorado Section of the American Chemical Society for Innovation in Chemical Education
Debbie Crans meet with the Honors students at the Fireside Cafe at CSU September 2013.
Robert Grubbs gave this year Boulder Scientific Lecture in the Chemistry Department and is seen after his lecture with two Crans group undergraduate chemistry majors: sophomore David Mast (left) and senior Steven Glade (right).
Debbie Crans organized a Forum for Inorganic Chemistry in the area of Metal in Medicine and Health, and the introduction to the volume can be viewed at the following link: http://pubs.acs.org/articlesonrequest/AOR-rxidRcGIgEIwJ3V4nS33
The Crans group, in collaboration with the Norkus and Johnson groups, contributed the following manuscript entitled “Metal Speciation in Health and Medicine Represented by Iron and Vanadium” to this volume. This paper can be accessed through the following link: http://pubs.acs.org/articlesonrequest/AOR-wsQgSWwee8NEktM2Gf6I